SETAC: a Partnership with Depth and Technicality

SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) was looking for a solution for elegantly managing their complex conference in one place. Their needs are robust and continuously changing. Over years of agile collaboration, weโ€™ve succeeded in developing several versions of custom, multi-faceted feature sets designed for their thousands of conference attendees.

What We Did

Blackfin and SETAC partnered to engineer a custom, SaaS, conference management system. Boasting more functionality than would be available within any existing solution, the software suite is tailored to fit the unique needs of the scientific community while serving a wide range of users and scenarios.

The feature sets included:

  • Registration & membership management
  • Abstract submissions, reviews, judging, and awards
  • Payment processing (EU and US)
  • Meeting management
  • Collaborative tools like session and topic suggesting for the next year
  • Awards and voting systems
  • Session scheduling and organization
  • Personal itinerary planners for attendees, with calendar integration
  • Native mobile apps for both Android and iOS
  • Seamless integration between web and native apps
  • Platform migration between Symfony and Laravel

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